• // last updated March 2025 //
  • // owned and operated by keeperofhoney //
  • // bring a friend! //
  • // i miss modern baseball //


welcome to keeper of honey, my personal site - make yourself at home and reach out if you have any questions or comments!

An animated GIF of keeper waving

March 2025 - My first conference!

I just bought my tickets to Albuquerque for the ANS student conference! I'm very excited to be going to my first conference, and even more my first nuclear conference. The Trinity site tour is going to be sick, and while I doubt I'll understand much, I bet the technical presentations will be sick as well. I'm also very excited for the opportunity to see a new city, I love seeing big cities and hopefully I'll get more opportunities like this to see more.

If anybody sees me there you should totaly say hello. I might be difficult to spot in the sea of business formal though.

Anyway, I hope yall are liking the visual updates I'm making to the site - I think its turning out awesome!

see past updates

neo - neighbors

Thank you so much debtdeath for the CSS template used in the creation of this website!